Everyone can use more money, but cash is tight. For anyone who is running a non-profit organization it can be especially tough to come up with funds. The old go to method to find cash for your organization is to have a fundraiser, but everyone is doing that. You need to come up with some unique fundraiser ideas. If you would like to actually raise cash and not just waste your efforts you will have to really be creative. don't just go the way of the chocolate bar. There are numerous, unique ways to raise cash. Read on to find the best way to fundraise.
Fundraising can be an art. The fundraiser you select is solely dependent on your form of organization.
Think core values. What is it that matters to you or your organization? Perhaps your principles involve social equality, then Fair Trade coffee might be just the thing for you. Does your organization care about the environment? Think organic. Maybe you should sell an environmentally friendly product such as organic coffee. Looking within is always an excellent step. What you, or your organization holds dear is the way you should choose for your fundraising endeavors.
Now, consider what will make your fundraiser unique. One thing that will really make people identify and want to support your fundraiser is to have a private label. Some companies will use your organization's logo or artwork to create a custom label to display your or your organization's principles. Prices can vary from free to very expensive amounts for label setup, so it's good to look around.
Where is your organization located? It could be there are local organizations that can provide fundraising services. For those who are located in the middle of nowhere you may have to find an internet fundraiser.
Do you intend to follow the herd? Just because everyone is jumping off a bridge, I do not suggest you do the same. Once again, if you want to achieve success you will need a unique fundraising strategy. Make certain you are creative and don't go method of the cookie dough fundraiser. Cookie dough? Please! You may think to sell chocolate bars, because that's what's been pitched at your door since your were born, but that does not mean it's the best way to go.
When all is said and done fundraising is about raising funds. No matter how unique of a fundraising idea you have, everything comes right down to the profit. An additional good thing to consider is not just the percentage markup, but the actual dollar amount profit per item sold. Let's take cookie dough just as one illustration. Sure you may sell 1 tub for $11.00, but your profit is merely $3.00. Being creative we can think of something slightly more profitable, say gourmet coffee. The margins are commonly around 50% resulting in a profit of over $4.00 per bag.
Remember to focus on you or your organization's core principles. Would you really want to sling candy bars? If you don't then don't.
Always be imaginative! If you follow your passion and break free from the pack you can come up with a really gratifying and profitable fundraiser. In my opinion, I think fresh roasted Fair Trade organic coffee is the way to go. Pretty much everyone imbibes coffee and going organic is environmentally conscientious and Fair Trade is socially conscientious. You have an item online adventskalender people will actually use. You have got a cause that people will get behind, and better yet, practically no one else is doing it.
Next, you should consider your upfront costs. Some fundraising agencies demand that items be purchased upfront. Other agencies will let you use order forms to take pre-sales orders before your purchase. There are numerous fundraising companies that will allow you to take pre orders, but you will need to know if you have to issue payment prior to shipment.
One thing many people don't consider is shipping costs. Some fundraising companies will absorb shipping costs, while some charge an arm and a leg. Have you considered this factor? Do they offer free of charge shipping on orders over a certain dollar amount? If you're not prudent shipping costs may gobble your profits. Just because a business doesn't offer free shipping don't rule them out, just don't forget to know the shipping costs upfront.
Consider the time lines involved, particularly if you are going to be taking pre orders. you will want to have a guaranteed delivery date for your customers. You'll have to know how long in advance your fundraiser company needs to process your order and how long it'll take for your order to reach your destination. You then need to analyze the logistics of distributing the items to the recipients. If this is a school fundraiser you may want to have people pick up the items at the school on a certain day.
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